Guide To Favorite Piqua Ware: Favorite Stove And Range Co.

My No9 Favorite Piqua Ware skillet on a induction heater.

Do you have a piece of antique cast iron named Favorite Piqua Ware? This vintage cast iron hollowware is from a foundry called Favorite Stove and Range, and it’s one of the most beloved brands for collectors and users of vintage cast iron cookware. 

In this article, you can learn the history of the Favorite Stove & Range Co. And how to date and identify your treasured antique cast iron using logos and markings on your cookware.

This Article Will Cover:

  1. Who made Favorite Piqua Ware?
  2. Collectability
  3. Is Favorite Piqua Ware cast iron any good?
  4. The History of Favorite Stove and Range and the company’s predecessors.
  5. How to date and identify Favorite Piqua Ware, Miami, and Puritan logos.
  6. Final thoughts

Learn About Your Favorite Piqua Ware.

Company Background


Favorite Stove and Range Co. (successor to W.C. Davis & Co.)


Willian King Boal

Operational Dates

The foundry produced ironware between 1889-1935.
However, the company ramped up and focused on hollowware
between 1916-1935.


The foundry produced cast iron products in Piqua, Miami County, Ohio.

Cookware Line

The favorite Stove and Range Co. manufactured a full line of
hollowware. These products included skillets, griddles, Dutch Ovens, kettles, Scotch bowls, gem pans, and waffle irons.

Cookware Brands

The company had several branded cookware lines, including Favorite Piqua Ware, Miami, and Puritan (for Sears Roebuck).
Favorite Stove and Range custom graphic
The chef is pointing out the foundry buildings at the Favorite Stove and Range Company. You will also notice the three brand names the company used: Favorite Piqua Ware, Miami, and Puritan.

Who Made Favorite Piqua Ware?

The Favorite Piqua Ware vintage cast iron is often in great shape and still usable even on modern stoves, including induction.

So, who made Favorite Piqua Ware? 

Favorite Stove & Range Co. made cast iron cookware under the Favorite Piqua Ware.

Like Wagner Manufacturing Company, Favorite Stove and Range Co has a wide range of cast iron products that collectors and enthusiasts highly prize. 

Do You Have A Favorite Piqua Ware Skillet Or Scotch Bowl?

Do you have a piece or two of antique cast iron? Well, these old pieces are still great cookware. And I have seen many Favorite Piqua Ware skillets with super smooth cooking surfaces. And they are equal to Wagner and Griswold skillets.

So, there’s no need to tuck Grandma’sGrandma’s skillet away in the bottom cupboard. Use these old-timers as your go-to pan; they are also a lot of fun.

I think it’s rather neat that you can cook in an old pan that someone used in the 19th century on their coal range. You can also use your vintage cast iron cookware on modern stoves. But I recommend preheating your pans first to prevent warping.

Favorite Piqua Ware cast iron skillet on a table

What Factors Affect The Price Of Antique Piqua Ware Cast Iron?

Many variables can affect the price of vintage iron. Such variables include:

  • Casting flaws
  • Hairline cracks 
  • The smoothness of the cooking surface
  • Size
  • Movement on a flat surface

Choose Favorite Piqua Ware Cookware For Griswold Quality Without The Griswold Price Tag.

Putting these variables aside, Favorite Piqua Ware is a good option if you are looking for vintage cast iron. Piqua Ware is often less costly than the big two names in vintage or antique cast iron. The two are Griswold and Wagner.

So you may find a great Favorite Piqua Ware cast iron skillet or Scotch bowl for a lower price, especially if you find a larger size. 

Is Your Favorite Piqua Ware Any Good?

If Favorite Stove and Range cast iron is cheaper than Griswold and Wagner. Then, I have a question: Is Favorite Piqua Ware any good?



Boonie Hicks

Finding A Bargain

You’ll find many Favorite Pique Ware skillets in great shape on eBay. You won’t have to search for one in excellent condition for long. Many of these skillets have smooth cooking surfaces and are much lighter than modern pans. Favorite Piqua Ware and Sidney Hollow Ware are some of my favorites. 

Often, there are many listings to choose from, and new listings are regular. However, many cast iron enthusiasts enjoy finding hidden gems at antique stores and garage sales. You could attend cast iron auctions and meet cast iron enthusiasts.

Favorite Piqua Ware skillet with smiley logo made by Favorite Stove and Range.

The History Of The Favorite Stove And Range Co.

Where Was Favorite Piqua Ware Manufactured?

Favorite Stove and Range Co made Favorite Piqua Ware cast iron.
They manufactured various cast iron products, including cast iron stoves.
Their foundry made products in Piqua, Miami County, Ohio.

When Was Piqua Ware Manufactured?

Probably somewhere between 1916-1935.

Hollowware may be older than this date. However, between 1916 and 1935, the dates stand out as possible company strategy changes and a focus towards hollowware

The Foundations Of The Favorite Stove And Range Co. Started In 1848

Before the first Favorite Piqua Ware skillet came off the line in their Ohio foundry.

A different company called W C. Davis and Co. started making iron products in Cincinnati in 1848. W. William C Davis founded C Davis &. Co.

The Predecessor To The Favorite Stove & Range Co. The W.C. Davis & Co.,

W.C. Davis & Co

W.C. Davis And Co. And Anchor Iron Works.

The company focused on the manufacture of ironware. 
They had connections in another foundry called Anchor Iron Works in Cincinnati.

Like many foundries, W.C. Davis & Co. did not focus on one product. 
Instead, they manufactured a wide range of metalware.

W.C. Davis and Co. and Anchor Iron Works manufactured a wide range of metalware. W.C. Davis manufactured metal coffins called the Fisk’s Metallic Burial Case under license.

W.C. Davis Hollowware

Look For W.C. Davis Co., Made Cast Iron

Although you can still find W.C. Davis cast iron, it is much more challenging than Piqua Ware.
If you have a piece of cast iron made by the company, you have a real piece of history.

Pots and skillets may have a distinctive single-pouring spout instead of the double-pouring spouts standard today. And keep an eye out for kettles that occasionally come up for sale. . 

Renamed To Great Western Stove Works


The W.C. Davis & Co. was renamed Great Western Stove Works and underwent a series of ongoing restructuring efforts. 

Davis also sold his interest in Anchor Iron Works to 
Chamberlain & Co. Iron and the casket business to Martin Hale Crane and J.R. Barnes in 1853

The Great Western Stove Works To Favorite Stove Works

Willian Boal Takes Control

After the retirement of Willian Davis in 1880, a partner named Willian Boal had a controlling financial interest and renamed the company from Great Western Stove Works to Favorite Stove Works.
W.C. Davis Co. Cast iron examples
Three examples of antique cast iron manufactured by the W.C. Davis Company. Circa: 1848-1865

The Rise Of The Favorite Stove & Range Co

The Move From Cincinnati To Piqua

Boal moved from Cincinnati to Piqua and formed the 
Favorite Stove and Range Company on July 1st, 1888. 

By 1889, the foundry had become operational and began 

Favorite Stove & Range Co. Growth Phase.

The Favorite Stove & Range Co. became the largest manufacturer in Piqua.
The city also became affectionately known as the Favorite City.


Even by today’s standards, the company’s foundry was massive.
The foundry buildings spread over ten acres of land.

It also employed 550 to 600 people when the foundry became established.

Favorite Stove and Range had such an impact on the area.
Several other local companies adopted Favorite in their company name.

New Leadership And Expansion Of Manufacturing Hollowware

In 1916, Willian King Boal passed on. The son of Willian Stanhope Boal took over his father’s interests. 

It was Stanhope Boal who ramped up cast iron hollowware production
Cast iron stove made by Favorite Stove and Range.
Photo donated by Mona Rutger of Ohio. The detailing on this parlor stove is simply stunning. Mona, we love your stove. Thanks for sharing.

The Fall Of Favorite Stove And Range

Labor Strikes

In 1919, a labor strike hit the firm. During this strike, workers demanded an extra 25 percent increase in wages.

The strikes lasted for eleven days.

Management Turnover

Stanhope Boal remained president until 1923.
For the next five years, the company had three other presidents. Willian C. Katker became the final president of Favorite Stove & Range Co. in 1928.

The Great Depression

Sales declined in the 1930s because of the Great Depression.
Unfortunately, Favorite Stove & Range was not alone, and most foundries struggled during this time.

The Passing Of Willian Stanhope Boal

On December 17th, 1933, Willian S. Boal died.

Favorite Stove & Range Co. Liquidates

By 1935, the company collapsed, and the Foster Stove Company of Ironton, Ohio, and the Chicago Hardware Foundry bought the patterns, machinery, and trademarks between them.
And Chicago Hardware Foundry bought the patterns and machinery.

Post WW2 And The Drop In Demand

After restructuring, Katker renamed the company to Favorite Manufacturing Company. 
However, the company operated on a much smaller scale. 

They produced coal and wood ranges, gas cooking stoves, and hollowware. However, the company decided to outsource molding to the Champion Foundry Company in Piqua.

Production Stops

In 1958, the company stopped operation due to the post-WW2 decline in demand.

Learn How To Date And Identify Favorite Piqua WareMiami, and Puritan cast iron Using logos.

Favorite Stove and Range used eight logos for its cookware range. Made between 1916 and 1935, it seems to be the consensus among collectors. Did they make cookware before this date? Yes, republished catalogs indicate the company making hollowware before this date. Most likely, it was early cookware such as Scotch bowls and cauldrons.

We know W.C. Davis & Co. produced skillets, so it is not unreasonable to think Favorite Stove and Range did as well.

It’s also impossible to give an accurate date of manufacture of cast iron by looking at the logos. And what logos are older? But if we look at the style and font used on the cookware, we can estimate the more aged markings. But without evidence, collectors usually date all of Favorite Piqua Ware between 1916 and 1935.

Identify And Date Your Favorite Stove And Range Cast Iron. 

Block Favorite Piqua Ware

Circa: 1916-1934

Favorite Piqua Ware The Best To Cook In

Made between

Favorite Piqua Ware Smile

Manufactured from

Stylized Favorite Piqua Ware In Block Writing


Sunrise Logo, Favorite Piqua Ware, Favorite Stoves And Ranges

Made around

Favorite = Piqua Ware

Manufactured around

Vertical Diamond Miami

Circa 1916-1935

Favorite Piqua Ware Smiley With Vertical Diamond Miami

Made between

Puritan Logo (Private Label For Sears Roebuck)

Made from

Favorite Piqua Ware Block Logo

Many collectors think this logo is older than other logos. The Favorite Piqua Ware block logo is simple but has plenty of charm.

The word Favorite is slightly arced and placed near the top of the skillet, and Piqua Ware is straight text underneath. The lettering of this logo is capitals and in block form.

Favorite Piqua Ware Block Logo
Did Favorite Stove and Range make hollowware before 1916? Many cast-iron enthusiasts date this logo Circa 1916 to 1935, including myself. However, the company probably made cookware before this date. And I place my bets they used this logo.

Favorite Piqua Ware Best To Cook In Block Logo

I love the best to cook in logo. It must have been pretty good marketing for the time.

Similar to the block logo. The word favorite is in an arc at the top of the skillet. This design is like the early Lodge or Wagner logos. 

Piqua Ware is written under the word Favorite and is embossed straight, and the best to cook in is below. Again, the lettering is in block form, and the font is the exact size.

Favorite Piqua Ware Best to cook in cast iron skillet
A great-looking logo with an old-world charm. This skillet is in great shape. I often see these little fellas with sulfur pitting on the base.

Sunrise With Favorite Piqua Ware

I’ve only seen this logo on waffle irons.

The Piqua Ware Sunrise logo looks fantastic. A circular logo in the center containing Favorite Stove and Ranges with the Sun rising and sunshine rays. Surrounding the logo are two banners. The upper banner has the words WE GUARANTEE. And the lower banner has the words BEST IN THE WORLD. The circumference has the familiar wording of “FAVORITE-PIQUA-WARE.”

Favorite Stone and Range cast iron waffle irons
These two Favorite Piqua Ware waffle irons have the sunrise logo. And I think they look pretty nifty.

Favorite Equals Piqua Ware Logo.

I’ve only seen this logo a few times on waffle irons. Favorite equals Piqua Ware logo. I’m unsure if other collectors use this name for the logo, as there is little to no information to name it differently. The logo lettering is in an arc with FAVORITE=PIQUA WARE written in upper case and the same font size.

Cast iron Favorite Piqua Ware waffle maker
Waffle iron with the logo Favorite = Piqua Ware. I have only seen a few examples of this waffle iron come up for sale. However, she looks like a real beauty, and I bet plenty of tasty waffles are still made using these irons. Circa 1916-1935.

Stylized Favorite Piqua Ware In Block Writing

This Favorite Piqua Ware logo is more stylized than the previously mentioned logos. Again, Favorite is in an arc, and the F and E FAVORITE is in a larger font. Piqua Ware is in a smaller font. The lettering is all written in upper case.

Favorite Piqua Ware logo identification
Classic Favorite Piqua Ware logo. You’ll likely find this logo on a #3 skillet. Circa 1916-1934.

Favorite Piqua Ware Smiley Logo

Do you have a soft spot for the smiley logo? I sure do. Although it’s similar to the stylized logo, the lettering is thinner. Underneath is ever-so-friendly embellishing that resembles a smile. The good news is that this logo is not as scarce as the other logos.

Favorite Favorite Piqua Ware Smiley logo identification
What’s not to like about the Favorite Piqua Ware Smiley logo. It’s really popular with cast iron collectors and enthusiasts.

Vertical Diamond Miami Logo

Miami cast iron is the budget-friendly brand of Favorite Stove & Range. However, sometimes it’s referred to as Miami cast iron. 

The diamond is vertical, with the word MIAMI written in the center. Although the lettering is in capitals, the font size varies to contain the wording within the logo.

Miami cast iron skillet
The Miami brand was a budget-friendly option for those wanting finely cast iron hollowware without the cost. But don’t be fooled into thinking Miami ironware is substandard. The ironware is just as well made as other Favorite Stove and Range lines.

Favorite Piqua Ware Smiley Logo And Vertical Diamond Logo

This logo has both the smiley and the Miami logo. The Maimi logo is in the center, while the smiley logo is in the 12 o’clock location.

Click the highlighted link for an in-depth article about Miami ironware

How to identify and date Miami cast
Miami cast iron with Smiley Logo. Circa 1916-1935.

Puritan Logo Private Sears Roebuck Logo

The Puritan logo was an in-store private label made for Sears Roebuck. The store is commonly known as the “Sears” department store.

To learn about Puritan cast iron, click the highlighted link.

How to date and identify Puritan cast iron
This Puritan skillet was made for Sears in the Favorite Stove & Range foundry. Circa 1916-1934.

Favorite Stove And Range

Favorite Piqua Ware cast iron tends to have smooth cooking surfaces like other manufacturers. However, a Favorite Piqua Ware skillet is likely cheaper than a Wagner or Griswold skillet. 

Furthermore, the skillets are fantastic to cook with. There are great bargains at a garage, estate sales, and auctions. Online stores are also a great option. Although you tend to pay internet prices, you also have more choices to find a skillet that suits your needs.

Look for Favorite Piqua Ware ironware if you want a reasonably priced skillet. These pieces are nearing one hundred years old and cook as well today as they did all those years ago. And this is the reason Favorite Piqua Ware makes my top vintage cast iron skillet list. Click the link to learn about the other foundries on the list.

Happy cast iron hunting.


  1. Hello, I am switching to cast iron. My favorite (besides my Grandomther’s #3 dedicated egg skillet) is my Favorite Piqua Ware block letter #9 due to its weight and smoothness.

    My question is, which Piqua logo style is the lightest? I am looking for the lightest I can get due to hand issues. I don’t want to buy the same size in different logos to find out. Do you know if they are all the same, or which logo tends to run the lightest per size?
    Thanks so much for any information you can share.

    • Hi Sherri

      That’s an interesting question; I’d love to get the scales out and weigh some different pans for you. Unfortunately, my collection is boxed up, ready for my move back to New Zealand. But I haven’t noticed any discernible differences in weight between logos.

      The size 9 is a beautiful pan, but a smaller pan is the best option to reduce weight. I do most of my cooking in a number 8, but if you have a household, the number 9 gives a little more space.

      Favorite Stove and Range also made the Miami brand. Miami Skillets have slightly lower-side walls, and the dual logo looks fantastic. I only have one Miami skillet, and I am very impressed.

      The cleanup makes you feel the pan’s weight and not the cooking. But You will be surprised how quickly you’ll become accustomed to the extra weight.

      Hope this helps

  2. Hello,
    I’d like to ask for some help in identifying a Piqua mini skillet I have, and when it might have been manufactured. I’m from Ohio and it has been in our home all of my life. I have a few photos but we’re not able to attach to this thread. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you in advance.

  3. Hi – I am looking very hard for a #6 Favorite Piqua Dutch oven. I have a #2 Scotch Bowl I could trade or I would buy the Dutch oven. I have a beautiful parlor stove with the Favoriet Stove and Range Co. with the Sunrise logo. I’ve heard it is very rare. Below is a picture of the stove once I wire-brushed the rust off! Then just used stove black or polish. I love this stove. I live in Castalua Ohio not too far from Piqua where the stove was made. Thank you!

  4. My grandfather was John Edwin Meeker who was married to Martha Taylor Lape. She was the daughter of E.W. Lape Jr. I’m very interested in the Favorite Stove Company and would like to follow your website and be notified when you post.

    • Hi Ann

      Thanks for getting in touch and sharing your family link to early American cast iron manufacturing.

      I’m so happy you want to come back and visit the site. It’s slow growing but around mid-2023 I hope to start add videos to include old-time recipes.

  5. Hello,
    I have just acquired 2 skillets, a #6 and a#10, with the smiley logo but are also blue enamel on the outside. We’re there a lot of enameled pieces made then?

    • Hi Ted

      I have only seen one piece of enameled Favorite Piqua Ware, and that was a cast waffle. Blue enamel is more common than other colors, but you still have a some rare pieces.

      Nice find Ted.

      • I found a #8 w blue enamel at a thrift store. Am I to understand that the enamel is original? I’m finding very little info and would love to learn more!

        • Hi Stephine

          Congratulations on your purchase, Favorite Stove and Range manufactured enamel ironware although it’s harder to find. The company used a variety of colors, blue is the most common while other colors such as red and cream are more scarce.

          Hope this helps

  6. Hi Brett,
    Really enjoy your articles; very informative. In my different searches, I’ve read the term hollowware. I don’t recall reading an explanation on what it actually indicates. Was it a trade term? I love my cast iron. I use it, restore it, and sell it.

    Learning more about it is always exciting.

    Thanks Ellen

    • Hi Ellen

      Thanks for the question. Hollowware is old-fashioned term, and not used much in modern speech. Hollowware any kitchen item with a notable hollow, such as pots, pans and bowls.

      Hollowware can be made of any material. So ceramic mixing bowls and serving dishes are also referred to as hollowware. However, plates are known as flatware.

      Hope this helps.


  7. Hello, I just inherited a favorite piqua ware skillet. It looks to be a grill type skillet, can’t find any information on it. Do you know anything about this type of skillet?
    Thank you

    • Hey Carol

      It sounds like you have a neat old pan. I believe you have a broiler skillet, probably made in the 1920s. They are relatively scarce and full of character. I bet its great for cooking bacon.

      Happy cooking.

  8. I was at an antique store and came across a #3 cast iron skillet. It had a Favorite logo at 12:00 without the Piqua or Ware; the large 3 was at 6:00. It was in very good condition. Not seeing any mention of that logo in any Favorite Ware documentation I was concerned it was a fake or reproduction. Have you ever heard of this skillet?

    • Hi Kevin

      Thanks for getting in touch. It sounds like you’re familiar with Favorite Stove and Range cookware, and the skillet in question would also leave me scratching my head. Even the toy skillets are marked “Favorite Piqua”.

      If the skillet is marked THE FAVORITE, then I can refer you to The Columbus Hollow Ware Company. Otherwise you might want to get in touch with the cast iron Facebook groups. One of the knowledgeable enthusiasts in the groups might be able to identify the skillet.

      Cheers Kev.

  9. I just picked up a #5 and #7 Favorite Piqua Ware smiley logo. They have never been used or seasoned. I have never seen one not seasoned. The cooking surface sparkles like a diamond. Should I leave as is, or should I season and use.I have plenty of other users.

    • Hi Keith

      It’s great to hear of your existing find.

      I’ve also never seen an unseasoned Piqua Ware. I imagine there aren’t too many around, well done.

      You can jump on the Facebook groups to get other opinions, but I’d be inclined to keep them unseasoned and proudly put them on display. I’d use a little natural beeswax as polish, to ensure the cooking remains pristine.

      Cheers Keith,

      • Thanks for your reply.I agree and am leaning to leaving them as is. All my cast iron pans are hanging on the walls of the kitchen, and these would be a nice addition and conversation pieces.

      • Oh I also saw your video on tawashi brush and found them on Amazon. I will be getting some, thanks.đź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ť Keep up the great videos.

        • Thanks Keith the encouragement is most appreciated. Hoping to add some videos in the near future, with an emphasis on 19th century dishes. It should be a lot of fun.

  10. I am definitely an amateur when it comes to cast iron. All I know to do is clean old pans in the self clean oven and season them. Fine with any old pan but not my grandmother’s Favorite Piqua Ware Best To Cook In pan. She died in 1948 and it hasn’t been used since. It is almost impossible to read Favorite. There is something built up all around the outer part of the bottom of the pan. I don’t know if this is built up gunk or maybe a chemical reaction if she cooked on a wood fire. My concern is could I ruin this pan if I put it through the self clean cycle, or should I just leave all my grandmother’s gunk alone. Thanks so much.

    • Hi K

      Thanks for getting in touch, and I completely understand you want to look after your grandmothers skillet.

      You’re right in being a little concerned about the self cleaning method for such a treasured heirloom. And many professional restorers advise not to do this method as the extreme heat may warp the pan. It’s not unusual to see a skillet of this age with a lot of build up, and or sulphur pitting on the base.

      The safest methods of restoration are put the skillet in either a lye or electrolysis tank. As I live in a small apartment in Japan that’s beyond my level of skill. And if you’re in the same boat you might want to consider someone that specializes in cast iron restoration to take care of your skillet. These people often restore ironware in their free time or as a side gig. Type in your city name and cast iron restoration on google to potentially find someone in your area. It’s going to cost more than doing it yourself but in this case it could be worth it.

      There’s a guy on Facebook that lives in Illinois that you might want to contact if you’re willing to ship your skillet. He goes under the name Black Iron Medic, And you can see his work too.

      Thanks for your contact, hope this helps.


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