Identify Rare And Hard To Find Griswold Cast Iron

Rare Griswold Cast Iron

If you are an experienced cast iron collector, you know some Griswold cast iron is rarer than others. However, for those unfamiliar with Griswold cast iron, you might think that small skillets and unusual pieces hold no value. So, in this article, you can learn about hard-to-find and rare Griswold cast iron with the circle cross logo.
I hope to highlight vintage Griswold cast iron that people might find in their attics and basements and discount it as non-collectible. Do you have a tiny Griswold skillet or a lid without a pot? Please don’t throw it away because it could be sought after by collectors.

Table Of Contents

  • What is rare Griswold ironware?
  • Does scarcity equal value?
  • Small size skillets
  • Large sizes skillets
  • Less common Griswold cookware
  • Lids and Chicken Fryers
  • Final thoughts

Rare Griswold Cast Iron

Griswold Cast Iron From The Commercial Line | Waffle Irons And Large Skillets

Some of the most scarce Griswold cast iron is from the commercial line. The Griswold size 20 double-handled skillet, commonly known as the Griswold hotel skillet, is one example of the commercial grade. Griswold undoubtedly produced several products for industrial and commercial use, such as waffle irons. These pieces rarely come into the market. But when they do, they can attract lots of interest from collectors.

Rare Griswold Cast Iron Includes Non-Kitchen Items

However, Griswold also made non-kitchen goods such as letterboxes and umbrella stands. These items are some of the rarest and most sought-after pieces by collectors. Also, spittoons or cuspidors are some rare pieces of Griswold cast iron available. Spittoons are not pleasant, but I’m sure there’s a collector who would be happy if you rescued it.

Does Rare Griswold Cast Iron Equal Valuable Pieces?

Although I hope you rescue any pieces of Griswold ironware from the scrap heap, I have to say not all rare Griswold ironware holds much monetary value. For example, cast iron skillets can sell for a lot of money. Griddles have lesser buyer demand. And items such as tobacco cutters may be hard to sell.

However, some pieces, such as scoops and rare Griswold gems pans you would expect to hold not to have much usability, are highly sought-after by collectors. So hold on to them if you find them in the junk drawer, and you can research them later.

Here are some reasons Griswold cast iron can be so expensive

 Rare Griswold Cast Iron Skillets.

Small Sizes Can Be Hard To Find. Look For Griswold Size 2 and 4 Skillets.

Griswold Skillets Size Number 2

It may be a little surprising, but small Griswold skillets are some of the rarest and most valuable. Keep an eye open for Griswold number 2 and 4 skillets. These were uncommon; consumers preferred size numbers 3, 5, 8, and 9. 

People may overlook the size number 2 because they are so small. So it’s important to rescue these pieces.

Look For Griswold Size Two Skillets With The Following Logos.

Griswold LogoHeat RingScarcity
Slant logo with ERIEYESRare
Slant logo with ERIE PA, U.S.A.YESRare
Block logo with ERIE PA, U.S.A.YESExtremely Rare
The Slant logo with ERIE PA, U.S.A.NORare
Block logo with ERIE PA, U.S.A.NORare

Griswold Size Four Skillets

The Griswold number 4 skillet is also a rare piece of cast iron, but not to the same extent as the number 2. The number 4 is between two popular skillet sizes, 3 and 5. So, Griswold Manufacturing likely produced fewer of these skillets, making it challenging for collectors wanting to complete a full set

Griswold Produced The Number 4 With The Following Logos

Griswold LogoHeat RingScarcity
Slant logo with ERIE YESRare
Slant logo with ERIE PA, U.S.A.YESRare
Block logo with ERIE PA, U.S.A.YESRare
Block logo with ERIE PA, U.S.A.NOHard To Find
Small logo with ERIE PANOUncommon

If you are unsure what the Griswold small logo looks like, then look at this article.

Rare Griswold sizes
Griswold skillets sizes 2 and 4 are some of the hardest to find.

Rare Large Griswold Skillets | Look For The Following Sizes: 13, 14, and 20

The large Griswold skillets between 10 and 14 are highly collectible. But the size numbers 13, 14, and 20 are the hardest to find. Large skillets in good condition have a large buyer pool, attracting the attention of cast iron enthusiasts and home cooks.

Luckily, many of the larger skillets are still in good condition, as proud owners have taken care of them over the years. And despite their scarcity, it’s not uncommon to see large skillets in excellent condition. Collectors will love to own any large Griswold skillet, but the preferred choice among enthusiasts is the harder-to-find Griswold slant logo.

Griswold LogoSizeHeat RingScarcity
Slant logo with ERIE13,14YESVery Rare
Slant logo with ERIE PA, U.S.A.13,14YESVery Rare
Block logo with ERIE PA, U.S.A.13,14,20YES13 Extremely Rare
14 Hard to Find
20 Rare
Griswold Skillet 14
B.D. Frady from DWF Texas sent a photo of his huge Griswold 14 for us to enjoy.

Hard To Find Griswold Cast Iron

Griswold Chicken Fryers And Lids

If you find an old chicken fry covered in gunk, please don’t throw it away. These old pieces are sought-after, particularly if it comes with a lid. Griswold chicken fryers with a large logo or a hammered finish also attract the attention of cast iron collectors. 

Unfortunately, many deep skillets are in poor condition due to the higher frying temperatures. It is common for these pots to have a warp and or spin on a flat surface. 

Warping decreases the value of the pan. You can read this article to learn about other factors that affect the value of Griswold skillets.

Griswold Lids

In a spring clean, you may come across a miscellaneous Griswold lid. Griswold lids are surprisingly scarce, and you would make a collector happy if you put them up for sale. Griswold covers with raised wording are favored.

However, collectors have no problem mismatching lids to fit their cookware. And often, the covers are rarer and hold more value than the pot itself. So hold on to them if you find them.

Lesser-known rare Griswold Cast Iron

Although this article is for those with little cast-iron knowledge, I have found an increasing number of cast iron enthusiasts coming to the site. So here are a few pieces of rare Griswold cast iron for those already familiar with vintage ironware.

Griswold Loaf Pan

If you want to add a rare piece of cast iron to your collection, look no further than the Griswold Loaf pan. These pans rarely come onto the market. So, if you see one in a garage sale, you should pounce on it quickly. Griswold also made a lid for these pans, but most of the pans I’ve seen are without a cover. 

Griswold Cast Iron Loaf Pan
Here is rare Griswold Loaf Pan. Find one with a lid is especially difficult.

Griswold Shallow Skillets

Shallow skillets are a cross between a skillet and a griddle. So it’s no surprise that these skillets are also named skillet griddle. Griswold manufactured several versions over the years, and they deserve a separate article highlighting the differences. 

In the meantime, watch for the characteristic three holes in the handle. But check the back because other foundries such as Wagner, Sidney Hollow Ware, and Wapak also produced shallow skillets with the same design.

Slant Logo Skillets With Smooth Bottom

This pan often goes under the radar on the marketplace, but I think it belongs in the collection of every Griswold collector. While the pans do not command the higher price tag of the more recognized pieces, they are less common than a large block logo on smooth bottom skillets. 

Another reason the Griswold slant logo on smooth bottom skillets is scarce is these skillets only come in sizes 2,3,5, 8, and 9. 

To learn more about the different Griswold logos, click this link for an in-house article. 

Final Thoughts

If you come across any vintage cast iron, hold on to it and find out what it is before throwing it away. Even if the cookware is in poor condition, it could be worth restoring. Some Griswold cast iron is rarer than other pieces. Size and the type of cookware are two significant factors when determining rarity. 

Lids are rare, not because they are scarce. But from the demand of both collectors and Griswold owners that want covers for their Griswold cookware.

Keep an eye out for those hard-to-find pieces. You never know what you can find when you start looking.



  1. I have a Griswold waffle patented dec 1 1908 the base is a bit rusty but the iron looks great. How rare are they? I’ve never seen any cast iron waffle makers before of any brand. Could you give me a ballpark value or direct me to somewhere to get a idea of the value

    • Hi John

      Waffle irons were popular kitchen items back in the day. And most of the big manufacturers offered waffle irons to satisfy demand.

      Griswold was no exception, they produced a number of different iron in a variety of shapes and sizes. Large waffle irons have gained a lot of attention with collectors with prices to match.

      Ebay sold listings should give you an idea on current selling prices. Just keep in mind the number of buyers interested in waffle iron will be a lot less compared to the demand for skillets.

  2. I just bought a cast iron 4 handle casserole dish that’s 20x20ish. I have sold thousands of cast iron through my Auction Company in our 20 year stint. I have never seen one of these. Any thoughts?

    • Hi Bryon.

      It sounds like an interest piece. I’m unaware of any vintage cast iron dish with four handles. And the large griddles are mostly rectangular in design.

      Some Japanese companies make square casserole/griddles for Yakiniku, Okonomiyaki and Yakisoba.
      You might want to visit Oigen and Iwachu websites to compare handle designs.

      But it does give a Fire Pit barbecue vibe. Especially, if the handles are welded separately. Looks like fun, but I’m not too familiar with barbecuing equipment.

      Good luck with your research.

  3. I recently acquired a 1950s camper and found a no 11 Griswold E.P.U. 717 with a medium block letter logo. It has a heat ring. I’ve just never seen a logo this size.

    • Hi Kevin

      I’ve collected for many years and have never come across the medium logo until very recently, and now I’ve seen quite a few #3s come up for sale. Griswold only made the medium logo in limited sizes from around 1955 to 1957. Great job spotting the

  4. I have a #14. Almost all the ones I have seen for sale have a 718 B stamped at the bottom. Mine is stamped 15 3/4 inch A. Do you have any insight into the difference?

    • Hi Dave,

      Good observation. You’ll also notice there is no ERIE PA. under the logo. The Wagner Manufacturing Company in Sidney, Ohio, likely made your skillet in the 1960s. It’s less valuable than the older Griswold skillets, but you still have a sought-after pan. You’re fortunate to have a #14 pan; they are hard to come by.

  5. I just found a #10 24 x 12 cast iron griddle with the Griswold diamond Erie mark on the back, is this a rare or sought after item?
    Thank you

    • Wow nice find. I thought size 9 was the largest in the diamond long griddle series so well done. Long griddles are less sought-after compared to skillets. But anything with the diamond logo is hard to find, so definitely scarce. I did a quick eBay search and long griddles can sell for good money.

      Like other cast iron you want to check for fire damage. And you might want to check eBays sold listings for current selling prices.

      Good luck

  6. Hi Boonie,
    Great site and appreciate all the information!

    I have a TINY (4″ diameter) Griswold skillet.
    Small logo, not italicized, has a heat ring, ‘Erie PA., U.S.A.’
    On the underside of the handle, it is stamped ‘5’; but it is no where near as large as a #5 skillet.

    Any idea what this might be?
    Maybe a marketing piece?

    • Hi Treacy

      It sounds like you have a distinctive skillet. The size places it into the toy category. The #5 on the back of the handle is likely the mold used to make your skillet and not the size you have pointed out.

      There are a few reproductions of these small skillets. But the casting is nearly always rough and questionable.

      There are a few variations of Griswold toy skillets. The company produced these from the 1900s-1950s. I suspect you have a later version since you mentioned it has a small logo. But I hope this gives you a good starting point for your research.

  7. Hi Boonie,

    Thanks for helping to educate us 🙂

    We just picked up a slant Griswold #6 Erie 341 griddle at a garage sale. It has a wooden handle.

    Do you by any chance have an history on this pan?

    Thanks so much for your time,
    Allison & Mike

    • Hi Mike and Allison

      Great find, as Griswold with wooden handles are sought-after by collectors. I believe your griddle is circa 1920s, and Griswold produced them in cast-iron and cast-iron with nickel plating. It seems the Griswold 341 griddle is a difficult piece to find.

      Congratulations on your find.

  8. I have a Griswold item that’s in excellent condition, no cracks, pitting, or rust. It’s not restored, but could be used for tonight’s dinner.

    Here’s what might make it a little unusual: I think Dutch oven and baster are a matching set, but this #10 says tite-top baster on both top (A2553) and baster (835A). Handle is intact and in great shape.

    Also, and I’m sure it was bought this way, has #9 trivet (207). Is any of this unusual?

    • Hi Dave thanks for getting in touch.

      The numbers on the lid and oven coincide with other matching sets, although the pattern number 835 was in use during Erie era. Most ovens for sale do not have a trivet but as you have pointed out the size 9 would be for a #9 oven. A trivet with #208 would be for size 10 Dutch Ovens.

      The Tite-Top Baster marking is less common than the Tite-Top Oven marking. Sounds like a great oven, well done on your find.

  9. Hi. I have a Griswold cast iron oval with the lid. The lid has a decorative knob. I can’t find one online like it. Can you tell me if Griswold made a solid cast iron lid with a cast iron knob?

    • Hi Sharon

      Thanks for getting in touch.

      I haven’t seen a vintage Dutch oven with a cast iron knob. Some early ovens I believe were nickel, but I only seen these on Wagner Ovens. And this kind of lid is pretty scarce.

  10. I am so excited to learn about these Griswold pans. I just found my first one at a thrift store… large logo 108 201 A skillet. The cooking surface is so smooth….like glass.

    • That’s awesome Liz

      And I sounds like you’re new to vintage Griswold pans too. Glad you enjoyed researching about your skillet and happy cooking

  11. Good morning! thought I would share that I purchased a Griswold square ashtray a number of years ago!!! 3.5″ x 3.5″ with a handle.

  12. Greetings – Anyone out there have any info on Griswold’s DuoChrome finish? Was it used as a gimmick or was there a specific purpose? When did it go into production and when did they stop (WWII I’d bet).

    I have a #14, with lid, with this finish and am curious as to its history. I have yet to see any frying pans in DuoChrome for sale but have seen a few Griswold pots.


    • Hi Steve

      The plated pieces are little out of my area of expertise. But, undoubtedly they were value added pieces to the standard cast iron line.

      Duo-chrome is likely circa 1940-1950s, and it has that mid-century futurism/modernism look as consumers looked towards the future. Size 14 skillets is always in demand, and usually commands hefty prices. Plated pieces are not collectable as regular iron cookware and this is often reflected in how quick a piece will sell, and the final selling price.

      Hope this points you in the right direction.

  13. I just bought a #8 Large Block Dutch oven Lid. The Patent date is 1920. Where might I find information on Griswold Dutch Ovens?
    Thank you

    • Hi Jim

      Well done on your purchase. Many collectors are always on the look-out for lid. And they can be quite expensive in restored condition.

      There are a lot of knowledgeable collectors on the Facebook groups that could determine the age, and possibly identify the oven you need to find a correct base.

      Good luck in your search.


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